Choosing Uplifting Music

Advice For Aspiring Country Music Songwriters

by Brent Rodriguez

Country music speaks to the heart. Spanning generations of singer-songwriters and lyrics that have touched the heart of countless people, to be included within this genre is a great treasure. Getting started as a country music songwriter can certainly seem like a daunting task, but nonetheless will be a journey to remember and a personal legacy to be cherished. While some successful country music singers and songwriters have had the ability to get to where they are through luck, it is through hard work and perseverance that lasting success can be made. 

First of all, it is important for the country songwriter to write what they know. Talking from personal and past experiences gives the songs an authentic feel that others can relate to. Without being too vague about things like heartaches in relationships, grieving a loss, or even just growing older, the audience can feel personally connected to the overall message of a song. It is through that intimate thread that the song reaches the heart of those who listen.

Another important factor to remember in order to succeed is the absolute need to put oneself out there in order for their songs to be heard. While stage fright can be overwhelming and a source of anxiety for many, it is helpful to remember that the crowd gathered are simply there to hear good country music. With songs prepared ahead of time that are sure crowd-pleasers, performing will eventually become secondhand and an easier feat than first imagined. Remaining as calm as possible before a show and getting to know the venue beforehand all contribute to a fruitful performance. Making connections through other musicians is an excellent way to gain resources and possible performance opportunities, and also expand one's knowledge of country music and make lasting relationships. These relationships can even be possible paths for collaborations in the future. 

The beauty of country music is that those who listen to this genre understand that the singer and songwriters behind the lyrics and melodies are relatable. Through an authentic take on writing country music, the songs will speak for themselves through true and raw experience that many others are familiar with. When one is inspired to take the leap into writing songs for this genre, this authenticity must be at the forefront. The hard work of what goes into performances and connecting with others fall in line with this authenticity. Staying true to oneself in the entire process will make for a journey worth remembering and for others to appreciate. 

Contact a country music songwriter for more information.
