Choosing Uplifting Music

Essential Checklist for Your First Violin Lesson

by Brent Rodriguez

Learning to play the violin is thrilling, promising beautiful music and a deep love for this classic instrument. It comes with challenges, so prepare well for your first lesson. This article will guide you on essential items and mindset for a great start. 

The Instrument

Of course, the most important item to bring is your instrument. Whether you have rented or purchased a violin, make sure to bring it with you in good condition. If possible, arrive a few minutes early to tune your violin before the lesson begins.

Bow & Rosin

The bow is another essential item for playing the violin. Make sure your bow is in good condition and has enough rosin on it to produce a clear sound. If you are unsure how much rosin to use, ask your teacher for guidance.

Music Book

Your violin lesson is where you will learn and practice new pieces of music. Make sure to bring the assigned music book with you so that you can follow along with your teacher's instructions. If your teacher has not yet given you a specific book to use, it is recommended that you bring blank staff paper for note-taking.

Extra Strings

It is always a good idea to have spare strings on hand in case of any break during the lesson. Your teacher may also need to replace a string for you, so having extras will save time and frustration.

Shoulder Rest or Sponge

To hold the violin comfortably while playing, most violinists use a shoulder rest or sponge. If you are using one, do not forget to bring it with you to the lesson. If you are not sure which one to use, your teacher can help you decide what type of support is best for your playing style.

Notebook & Pencil

During your violin lesson, your teacher will give you instructions and advice that will be helpful for practicing at home. Bring a notebook and pencil to write down these important notes and reminders. It will also be useful for jotting down any questions you may have for your teacher.


Playing the violin requires focus and stamina, so it is essential to stay hydrated during your lesson. Bring a water bottle with you to sip on whenever needed. Avoid sugary drinks as they can make your fingers sticky and affect your playing.

Positive Attitude

Finally, do not forget to bring a positive attitude! Learning the violin takes patience and dedication, so it is important to approach your lesson with enthusiasm and an open mind. Your teacher will appreciate your eagerness to learn and make sure you have a fun and productive lesson.

Contact a company like San Francisco Institute of Music to learn more. 
