Choosing Uplifting Music

  • Why You Should Catch A Country Band The Next Time They Hit Your City

    26 September 2019

    If you're into music, you know how much it can soothe the soul. No matter how down you may feel or what events are taking place in your life, it helps to turn on some tunes and let them put your heart at ease by instantly lifting your spirits. You probably have a favorite type of music, and you might be pretty much set on that being your go-to catalog. However, if you limit yourself to only a single genre of music, you could be severely missing out.

  • Is The Sound Off? 4 Signs You Need To Have Your Piano Tuned

    26 July 2019

    Owning a piano requires a lifetime commitment to its care. One of the most important things you can do for your piano is to keep it properly tuned. Proper tuning is essential to sound quality. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to know when your piano is in need of tuning. If you're new to piano ownership, here are four signs that your piano needs to be tuned. You've Moved Across the Country

  • 3 Reasons To Start A Vintage Guitar Collection

    15 May 2019

    If you're looking for a new hobby and you love music, perhaps it's time to start a vintage guitar collection. Such a collection would allow you to collect some of the timeless instruments responsible for creating many of your favorite songs. Here's just a few reasons why a starting a vintage guitar collection is a great idea. Own the Same Instruments as Your Favorite Musicians Jimmy Hendrix. Dave Matthews. Janis Joplin.

  • How To Loop Your Own Live Drum Recordings

    10 February 2019

    When you need background music for an indefinite period of time, one of the challenges is making sure that the music plays continuously. When a song isn't looped, there will be a period when the music stops playing. While this may not be a huge problem, looped songs simply sound better and more professional. However, there are many challenges to looping a live drum solo. Looping Without Splicing Tracks The easiest songs to loop are those that already have two parts that sound very similar.